CDTO Campus
GovTech education for aspiring digital leaders
The CDTO Campus project is implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation, financed by the VISA Foundation, the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) and supported by GIZ in cooperation with the Digitality GovTech Centre of Excellence, in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.
CDTOs, or Chief Digital Transformation Officers, are digitalization deputies in various government bodies such as ministries, regional administrations, and city councils.
Ukraine was among the first countries to introduce the CDTO position at the state level.
A notable aspect of the CDTO Campus project is its technological training format, which offers educational programs both in-person and online. Individuals aspiring to become specialists in digital transformation within the public sector can now learn through the CDTO Campus mobile application, developed by the Homin team.

Authorization, security, and access within the application
Users log in to the application using a username and password. Access to their personal accounts is protected through registration and login processes. Curators and lecturers receive invitations from the administrator to join.
Students can sign up for the app on their own. Since participants are chosen beforehand, not just anyone can register. To sign up, students need their group code and must enter a confirmation code from the curator received through another method during registration.

User registration
The application ecosystem includes three participant roles: student, lecturer, and curator. Users can register for the application under one of these roles, and each registration process has unique characteristics and involves a different number of screens.

The Curator, as a user of the application, acts as an individual responsible for various administrative tasks, including creating groups, scheduling events, and monitoring group and student progress.
One of the main streams of the Curator's work is regulation and up-to-date support of the schedule and training of each group (this includes conducting calendar lectures, managing attendance logs, creating assignments, and evaluating tests and creative work).

Visual components of the app
The mobile application was developed based on the client's design. Our goal was to bring their concept to life in alignment with a comprehensive technical task and clear instructions provided.

The admin panel functions as a centralized hub for managing course materials, lecturer and curator lists, student information, and group assignments.
Lectures scheduled in the calendar
Within the navigation block, Lecturers can access a calendar tab where they can view scheduled lectures. Clicking on a specific lecture allows the Lecturer to access a detailed page where additional materials can be added.
These materials are visible only to the group attending that particular lecture. Each lecture entry in the calendar consists of two subsections: information and attendance. Once the lecture concludes, the option to mark attendance disappears.

Student's profile
Every student can check their grades in their personal score log, found under the "Grades" tab in the navigation menu. Here, students can view their grades for completed assignments.

App notifications

What does this mean for people?
CDTO Campus is a strategically important project for Ukraine. After completing their studies through the mobile application, students will be able to become active participants in digital projects who can initiate and execute changes, form teams, and oversee projects crucial for Ukraine's digital future.

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