Information kiosk
How did we create a network of information centres for convenient interaction with people in public places?
A touchscreen information kiosk is an interactive network of information centres that is available to every citizen, resident or tourist of Khmelnytskyi.
Welcome to the interactive city where reality meets iron giants.
How can we establish quality communication and trust on the scale of a city with thousands of residents?
By interacting with the screen, city visitors can access info, browse product catalogs, and watch ads or presentations.

Functionality of the Infokiosk includes:

What about the tech stack?
We developed the software using one of the most popular and user-friendly CMS technologies. This ensures seamless content management and updates throughout the entire network of information kiosks.
Our primary focus was on ensuring the software ran smoothly and preventing any interference with the device system itself.

What does this mean for people?
The Infokiosk project embodies unique technical solutions and creativity, serving as the Iron Giants that power information dissemination in the city. Do you have a bold idea for your city's development? Let's bring it to life together!

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